

Model Beschrijving Nummer
GAD-2000 For SF6 gas-filled equipment during operation SP 63.14
GFU08-B, GFU08-C, GFU08-E, GFU08-W SF6 gas filling unit, with optional on-cart weighing and optional vacuum pump SP 63.08
GPF-10 Portable SF6 filter unit SP 63.11
GPU-B-2000, GPU-B-3000 SF6 service equipment for filling, cleaning and recovery SF6 gas SP 63.15
GPU-S-2000, GPU-S-3000 SF6 service equipment For filling, cleaning and recovery of SF6 gas SP 63.16
GWS-10 便携式SF6 气体钢瓶秤,GWS-10型 SP 63.09
GWS-10 Portable SF6 gas cylinder scale SP 63.09
便携式SF6气体传输装置 SP 63.07
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