

Model Beschrijving Nummer
GDM-063 Gas density monitor SP 60.70
GDM-100 Gasdichtewächter mit Prüfanschluss und Absperrventil AC 20.01
GDM-100 Gas density monitor, with calibration valve for recalibration SP 60.02
GDM-100-T Hybrid gas density monitor, with Modbus® or analogue 4 ... 20 mA output signal SP 60.79
GDM-RC-100 Gas density monitor with reference chamber SP 60.27
GDM-RC-100-T Hybrid gas density monitor with reference chamber, with Modbus® interface or analogue 4 ... 20 mA signal SP 60.80
GDS-RC-HV Densostato con camera di riferimento SP 60.28
GLTC-CV Recalibration valve for retrofitting, for gas density monitors and other leakage detection systems SP 61.16
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